The Loop Pods feature is designed to enable pre-roll pod looping for the first pre-roll pod, which involves repeating calls to ad tags from the waterfall. Keep in mind that any other ad slot that you set in your ad schedule that this player uses other than the first pre-roll will be ignored when this option is enabled.
Here's how you can set up the options for this feature:
1. Pod Loop Number: Define the number of ad pod loops you want to occur.
2. Pod Frequency: Specify the cue point interval at which you want your ad pod loop to repeat in seconds.
3. Impressions Per Slot: Set the maximum number of impressions allowed per ad pod (for all loops combined).
Let's illustrate this with an example.
Suppose you configure the following settings:
- Pod Loop Number: 5
- Pod Frequency: 15 seconds
- Impressions Per Slot: 3
Here's how it works:
- The player initiates a call to your first preroll slot, following the normal waterfall behavior. The player will ignore any other slot that you have set.
- Ad tags are called one after the other until an impression is recorded. If the first ad tag from the waterfall returns a valid ad, the first loop ends. Otherwise, ad tags from the waterfall will continue to be called until a valid response is received, or the request is made to every ad tag, whichever happens first.
- The looping process repeats every 15 seconds.
- The loop pods option will be deactivated as soon as the total number of loops specified (in this case 5) is reached, or when the maximum number of impressions (in this case 3) is recorded, whichever occurs first.
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