To enable this feature, you can activate the Enable sticky player option.
When this option is enabled, your player will affix itself to the chosen corner of your website, ensuring uninterrupted ad playback even if a user scrolls away from the unit's embedded location. This functionality is especially valuable for maintaining the viewability of your ad inventory.
If a user later scrolls back to the player's original position, the player will automatically return to its starting point and resume playback as it was before.
You have the flexibility to configure the width and height of the player, as well as the positioning of the sticky portion. The available positions include top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right, and you can customize offsets as needed.
Note that you can specify the dimensions of the sticky player using values in pixels, percentages, or aspect ratios, just as for other Brid player sizes.
You have the option to completely deactivate the sticky feature on mobile devices by enabling the Disable on mobile option. This allows you to customize the behavior of the sticky feature separately for desktop and mobile platforms.
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