Ad Schedule Feature Overview
The Ad Schedule feature enables you to efficiently manage how Ad Sources run within the player.
How Ad Schedules Work: Ad schedules grant you the flexibility to configure and optimize your demand to maximize revenue. You have complete control over positioning, allowing you to group ads and sequence them according to your preferences. For instance, you can set up ad waterfalls, individual ad units, or ad pods with multiple pre-rolls and mid-rolls. You can also customize tags for different platforms (desktop vs. mobile) all in one place.
Benefits: The goal of this feature is to simplify setup by enabling you to create ad schedules that can be applied to multiple players. This saves time and resources, eliminating the need for manual configuration for each player.
Steps to Create an Ad Schedule:
Navigate to the AD SCHEDULES section in the main menu and click the +AD SCHEDULE button to add a new schedule.
Provide a name for your Ad Schedule and choose the Ad Slot(s) from the dropdown menu.
After adding the Ad slot, you can either link an existing Ad source or create a new one.
Once your setup is complete, click SAVE, and your new Ad schedule will be stored and available for application to the player.
Be aware that any modifications to an Ad schedule will be automatically reflected across all players to which that specific Ad schedule is assigned.