We strongly suggest that you try out any VAST ad tag that you have in our VAST inspector tool located here.
Our VAST inspector tool can also be SSL enabled if needed so if you need to test out an ad tag under SSL conditions just use this link instead.
If you have trouble seeing an ad appear in VAST Inspector tool please take into consideration the following:
- Some ad tags will only serve ads if they display under certain white listed domains. Make sure that our brid.tv domain is white listed with your ad provider.
- Certain ad tags will only display ads under certain geographical locations. Make sure that your ad tag is booked with ads from your ad provider for your geo location.
- If you are using the Brid VAST Inspector Tool under SSL conditions make sure that your ad tag also starts with https:// or else your browser will most likely block the call to your non-SSL enabled ad tag and you will not see any ads display.
- The Brid VAST Inspector Tool has a handy log built in under the player where you can see various messages about your ads. All possible errors will display in this area.
- Certain ad tags have various macros that need to be filled dynamically by the player. Here is a list of supported ad macros by the Brid player. Substitute them in your ad tag accordingly.
- Rarely does an ad tag have 100% fill rate. Make sure to try to get a response from your ad tag multiple times before you call it quits.
If all the above conditions are met and you still have problems with displaying ads from your ad tag please submit a ticket so our Support Team can help you. Make sure to include the VAST ad tag that you are testing.
Here you can find a decent list of sample VAST tags so you can test out the player.
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