- Requests - Number of ad requests made.
- Impressions - Sum of all impressions made via Brid's ad demand.
- Fill rate - Fill rate of Brid's ad demand.
- Avg. eCPM - This is the estimated CPM across all demand through Brid, separated between linear and non-linear ad demand.
Estimated profit - Sum estimated revenue coming from Brid's ad demand.
This amount is before your revenue share which is applied to this number.
Performance comparison - On this chart, you can compare how different Brid ad demand partners perform for your web properties.
At the top bar of the Marketplace dashboard, where you select your timeframe, you will notice the REPORTS link.
On this page you can do the following operations:
- See your finalized revenue for each month. This is the amount that Brid will pay you the publisher. Your finalized revenue will appear in the first week of the next month for revenue made the previous month.
- Set up automatic email reports to your email regarding Brid ad demand performance. Choose your time frame and email to which you want these reports to be sent.
Note: The finalized revenue display will be less than the Estimate profit display due to the following reasons:
- The finalized revenue display takes into account your current rev share with Brid and will be deducting the appropriate amount.
- The finalized revenue display will take into account any deductions made due to invalid traffic.
- The finalized revenue display will take into account any deductions made due to brand safety concerns.
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