This is a mini-guide on how to use Brid's powerful search utility built into the CMS platform.
When logged inside Brid, on the top left corner you will see our search feature. This feature can be used to search for almost anything inside Brid that you require. You can search for playlist titles, or video titles and much much more.
Here's a quick guide and some example what you can search for so you get a better idea what is possible:
- Enter any search term and our system will try to match a video or playlist or even a user account with that term.
- You can search for videos with specific tags by doing a search like this: tag:sport which will return all videos that have the tag sport in it.
- You can search for a video with a specific ID by just entering a the number (ID) in the search field.
- You can do the same as above only for any other ID like playlists, users, players etc.
As you can see, the Brid search tool is a powerful and easy way to navigate through your different assets inside Brid.
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