If you choose to make a custom video carousel, make sure to provide URLs to valid articles with standardized HTML tags for title, text, and images. If required metadata does not exist on your links, carousel creation will most likely fail. Also note that og:image tags have to be populated on your page.
Optionally, you can add an image/video URL for slide creation, or choose an existing video directly from the library. Note that only direct image/video URLs are accepted (for example .jpg or .mp4).
If you choose to use a video URL here, you can set a start time of your video. Your carousel slide will be made from that particular second and the duration will depend on the specified slide duration set in the video carousel options. For example, if your start time is the 10th second of a video and the slide time set is 5 seconds, this means that the slide will show those 5 seconds of the selected video.
Our video carousel unit will then grab needed info from your sources, add animations and create a video from them. Once a video is created, you can embed it using a standard Brid player, set up monetization for it and start monetizing your content and web pages using the industry standard VAST/VPAID ad stack.
Keep in mind that you can create any kind of combo you need and mix and match images with video links when creating custom video carousels.
Video carousel options
- You can set the player controls to display or remove them entirely from the unit.
- An optional "Read More" button can be added to the unit which floats at the bottom of the unit.
- Set optional previous/next slide buttons for the carousel unit.
- You can set the time frame between each slide in seconds to a custom value to your liking.
- Add specific tags to carousel videos so you can more easily categorize and access them later.
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