If you'd like to analyze your Prebid revenue per each bidder separately, there are two options in Brid.TV CMS to set it up:
- Log into CMS and select a specific site;
- Under the Analytics section choose Ads >> Prebid Revenue >> Overview;
- Under the Impressions or Revenue columns, click on the SETUP button and paste the bidder's Creative ID from your GAM account;
1. Log into your GAM account >> Navigate to Delivery section >> Creatives >> copy VAST creative ID from the bidder you'd like to set up in the CMS:
2. Paste the VAST creative ID >> Save:
*Please note that each bidder must have unique creative ID.
- Log into CMS >> select a specific site >> click on the settings cogwheel;
- Scroll to "Setup GAM Creative ID's for Prebid Analytics" section and paste your VAST creative ID of appropriate bidder >> Save
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